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附属卡additional credit card

附属卡的签帐the transaction made on this additional card

附属卡持卡人additional cardholder


To be eligible for the first year fee waiver, the additional cardholder must make at least one transaction (including cash advance) within the first month of opening the card account.

信用卡客户服务热线Credit Cards Customer Service Hotline

信用卡号码credit card number

持卡人合约Credit Card Cardholder Agreement

基本卡持卡人primary cardholder

发卡后四星期内within four weeks after card issuance

(保险公司付的)保险金/赔偿费insurance/sum insured/insured amount/benefit; When her husband died, she received $500,000 in insurance./With the insurance I got on my wrecked car, I bought a boat.

人身意外保险personal accident insurance

人寿保险life insurance

分红保单with-profits policy

火险fire insurance



Life Insurance Benefit is not payable if the insured person commits suicide within the first policy year, whether sane or insane.


We shall not pay any benefits for sickness if the covered person was infected with any Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) prior to the policy effective date.

考虑调高保费百分之四百considering 400 per cent rises in premiums

完全残废total disability


投保insure (vt); To insure is to buy insurance to protect yourself against something bad happening to you, your family, your possessions etc./The painting is insured for $1 million./I would advise you to insure the painting for at least $2,000,000./The car is insured against fire and theft./Luckily he had insured himself against long-term illness./Have you insured the contents of your home?


投保人、受保人the insured/the covered person

汽车保险automobile insurance/motor insurance


承保cover (vt); We confirmed that we hold your house covered against fire risks for $800,000./Are you fully covered for fire and theft?/ The policy will cover any medical expenses that you incur while you are abroad.

承保范围coverage (AmE)/cover (BrE) (n); If an insurance agreement covers someone or something, it states that money will be given to the person if they are injured, if something is damaged etc.Coverage is the amount of protection given to you by an insurance agreement. Coverage is spelled cover in British English./Make sure your policy will give you adequate coverage in case of a break-in./The policy gives coverage against storm damage but not against frost./We must increase the amount of insurance coverage to include our new machinery.

保单insurance policy

保单周年日policy anniversary date

保费insurance/insurance premium (u); Insurance on my house is very high./to pay insurance on your house

保险insurance (u); Insurance is an arrangement with a company in which you pay them money each year and they pay the costs if anything bad happens to you, such as an illness or an accident./Do you have insurance on your household contents?/We can probably claim for the damage on the insurance.



保险公司insurance company

保险经纪insurance agent

保险凭证insurance certificate

后遗伤残residual disability

盈科保险Pacific Century Insurance

美国友邦保险American International Assurance


香港人寿保险从业员协会The Life Underwriters Association of Hong Kong Limited

香港保险师公会the Society of Certified Insurance Practitioners

香港保险业联会Hong Kong Federation of Insurers

香港意外保险公会Accident Insurance Association of Hong Kong

海上保险、海运保险、水险marine insurance

起保日commencement date of the policy


从保险相关行业聘请专才hire some highly qualified specialists in insurance-related disciplines

接受投保insure somebody/something (vt); Many companies won't insure young drivers./The company can refuse to insure a property that does not have window locks.

盗窃保险burglary insurance/theft insurance

寿险公司life insurance company

养老保单、储蓄保险endowment policy

储蓄保险endowment insurance

总括保险、综合保险、统保blanket insurance/package insurance

医疗保险medical insurance

(中国西部)比沿海繁荣城镇落后很多lags well behind thriving coastal areas

(自私地)利用法律exploit laws



Wang was named the 231st-richest person in the world by Forbes magazine in 2004, with a net worth of US$2.3 billion.


Cepa II took effect.

LG电子公司首席执行长金双秀Kim Ssang Su, CEO of LG Electronics Inc.


九月加价后,未来一年收益会增加五亿五千万元will earn an extra $550 million in revenue from the higher fees by September next year

九龙总商会Kowloon Chamber of Commerce


土地成本和其它开支the land costs and other expenses

大企业首脑、顶级商业领袖top business leaders

大而无当之物white elephant

大股东the major shareholder

大幅削价40元knocked $40 of the price of something


已展开西部大开发计划has kicked off its Go West project

不再注资withdrew their financial support

不能再经营下去were forced out of business

不会把所有的香港办公室运作都搬往内地would not relocate all their SAR office operations to the mainland

不会影响外资对香港的信心would not undermine foreign investors' confidence in Hong Kong

不会吓跑外资would not discourage foreigners from investing in Hong Kong


不断改善产品和服务continually improving their products and services

中小企业市场**基金额SME Export Marketing Fund

中小型企业small and medium-sized firms

中小型企业委员会Small and Medium Enterprises Committee

中华厂商联合会Chinese Manufacturers' Association

中华总商会Chinese General Chamber of Commerce


中层主管midlevel executives

互相割喉竞争are frantically cutting one another's throats


Details of the deal will be spelled out today.

内地参展商mainland exhibitors

内地营商环境business environment of the Mainland

公司的日常业务/日常运作day-to-day operations of the business

公司透明度corporate transparency


Firms are now facing fiercer competition than ever before.

公司管治corporate governance

公关公司public relations firms

日本汽车业the Japanese car industry

日常营运day-to-day operations

世界和内地连接的窗户a window on the world for the Mainland


They will face a public relations disaster.

代表商界利益represent business interests

出现技术故障being beset by technical hitches

加强广告upped its advertising


The increase would generate $600 million a year.

可以十个月免息分期付款payable in 10 interest-free instalments

可以经营个体户can set up individual, wholly-owned retail shops

只会短期内受益would receive only a short-term benefit

外出用膳meals bought away from home

外判非核心业务outsourcing of non-core services

外国公司早就垂涎中国这个市场a Chinese market over which foreign companies have long drool


Foreign investment has flooded in.

市场地位market position

市场环境the market environment


Half of the SAR's travel agencies are running at a loss.

未能打入香港市场/未能打进香港市场failed to crack the Hong Kong market

正在商谈新的还款日程is negotiating a new repayment schedule



由市场决定/主导to let market forces prevail

由某人独力承担所有费用is fully financed by somebody


Oracle dipped its toes in the CRM market, but the results failed to impress.

甲类消费物价指数Consumer Price Index (A)

企业的社会责任corporate social responsibility

合和实业主席胡应湘the chairman of Hopewell Holdings, Sir Gordon Wu Ying-sheung

合和实业有限公司主席胡应湘Hopewell Holdings chairman Sir Gordon Wu Ying-sheung

因涉嫌藉非法的股票交易来增加自己的控股权而入狱was put behind bars for alleged illegal share transactions aimed at strengthening his control of the group

在大陆投资was investing on the mainland

在中国西北部投资invest in the Northwest

在中国西部寻求商机seek investment opportunities in China's western regions

在丹麦展开试验计划begin a pilot program in Denmark

在六月庆祝一百周年marked its centennial in June

在全球市场竞争compete globally

在印度推出三款型号launched three models in India

在亚太区拓展业务expand their businesses in the Asia-Pacific region

在香港设立办公室/办事处set up offices in Hong Kong

在香港扩充业务expand their businesses in Hong Kong

在数份报纸上登全版广告bought full-page ads in several papers


成功方程式success formula/the winning formula

成立个体户set up individually owned stores

扣除开支后他每月赚$14,000. He makes about $14,000 a month after expenses.

收回债款recover the debt

有助该公司重组债务,该公司负债共九亿元make it easier to reschedule its $900 million in outstanding debt

有商界背景has a business background


自从配额制度在1月1日取消since the ending of the quota system on January 1

自从贾伯斯九七年回巢,(苹果计算机)不断创新,业绩反弹has been innovating and rebounding since Job's return in 1997


The industry picked up again.

何鸿燊Stanley Ho Hung-sun

占公园大多数股权hold the park's majority shares


You need to co-ordinate with all the people across all the time zones.


I hope that as you swim in the sea of the market economy you will not become too clever as to consider making profits only. Don't forget our identity - most or all of us are communists - we need to exercise self-discipline.

兑成美元converted it into US dollars

别有用心with ulterior motives???

我们最保守估计our most conservative projection


We will endeavour to promote fair competition.


I am a firm believer in the "user-pays" principle.

把上升成本转嫁给消费者pass the extra costs onto customers

把生产线北移,以保持竞争力stay competitive by moving their production lines across the border to the Pearl River Delta

把生产线移往大陆,节省成本cut costs by moving production to the mainland

把后勤运作移至广州move its back-office operations to Guangzhou

把家业交给三名儿女打理handed over the reins to his three children

把部分业务迁往广州运作moved part of its operations to Guangzhou

把握西部大开发所带来的商机cash in on the campaign to develop western areas of the mainland

批核程序approval procedures

改善流动性improve liquidity

改善营商环境improving our business environment

步步高升,去年十月更登上首席执行长的宝座climbed the ranks, and claimed the CEO post in October

没有出席记者招待会did not appear at the company's press conference

私人企业private corporations

使公司免于负债keeping companies afloat

取消过时或不必要的规管remove outdated or unnecessary regulations

呼吁企业尽社会责任call on corporates to be socially responsible

和中国政府关系良好had good connections with Beijing

和黄主席李嘉诚Hutchison chairman Li Ka Shing

和黄董事总经理霍建宁Managing director Canning Fok Kin-ning

固定资产fixed asset

官商勾结"collusion between officials and businessmen"

店主shop owners

拒绝了某人的出价shunned somebody's offer

拒绝向时代杂志透露会否一定继承父亲衣钵declined to tell Time if he'll definitely take his father's throne

拒绝揣测某人动机refused to speculate on somebody's motives

于九六年被迫离开通用电器,由辛普森爵士接替其职位was ousted from GEC in 1996 and succeeded by Lord Simpson

社会责任social responsibility

迎接二十一世纪的挑战meet the challenges of the 21st century

近年专注内地业务has focused his business on the mainland in recent years

近年竞争激烈,致使市场占有率下降has bled market share in recent years due to intense competition

信用卡公司card companies

信贷评级credit rating

保持竞争优势retain its competitive edge

俄罗斯首富the richest man in Russia

冒险不注册running the risk of not registering

削弱公司收入undermined the company's income

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